The Jelly of the Month Club – the gift that keeps on giving.
It’s that time of year again, time to feel the love or the loathe, battle the
mall or e-tail ‘til you drop. Everyone likes to get gifts, but it seems our
brains like giving them more.
Your kids make gifts for you just as you made
gifts for your parents. Why, because kids don’t have any money (or maybe they
do, more on that below). You loved
it when Ma or Pa unwrapped your macaroni necklace or the intricate drawing of
the spaceman being eaten by the dragon.
The reason you thought your gift to them was so great can
be explained by how your brain works. Dan Ariely, the behavioral economist,
wrote about this is his book, The Upside
of Irrationality. People value their own work more than they value
other people’s work.
His example in the book had to do with building Lego toys –
people would bid more to buy their own products than they would to buy the same
products made by others. So the macaroni necklace from you was really a Tiffany
original and your drawing put Renoir to shame.
And your parents loved your homemade gifts just as much as
you love those from your kids. Why? Because your brain makes you….. er, allows
you to. Receiving a gift activates the reward center of your brain. What's more, giving
something away feels the same as when you receive something special, your brain
doesn’t know the difference.
Research shows that giving a gift activates the same reward
centers in the brain that light up when you receive a gift. Giving is a
pleasure for the giver just as much as it is a pleasure for the receiver. This
is why some Scrooges complain that people give to charity to make themselves feel good, not those they are
a 2006 study showed that gift giving
activates the part of the brain involved in social connections and altruism.
This part of the brain is activated when the gift is of greater benefit to
the receiver than to the giver and is a true mark of giving in the best sense.
On the other hand, studies say getting a bad gift can
actually harm a relationship. Men that received a gift from their significant
other that did not match their known preferences or interests reported having
less of a connection to the giver because of the choice. So the key is to pick
out a gift that tells the receiver that you know them, you listen to them and
you consider their perspective.
Popular theory has it that women are better at selecting
gifts for other people than are men. That ain’t so at my house, but don’t tell
my wife I said so. I think that women are better in general because they have more
practice. They buy gifts all the time; little I’m thinking of you gifts, thank you
for your gift gifts, thank you for your thank gift gifts.
That’s my hypothesis, but a scientific group in the Netherlands refused to take my word for it and did a series of experiments.
They had men and women rank a series of possible gifts for people they knew and
then had the potential recipient rank the gifts as well. Women did better at
predicting the recipients’ preferences.
Another experiment in this study sought to determine why women were better. There results
suggested that women were more connected with the meaning of the gift to the
recipient. In short, women pick better gifts because they think more about the
things they give.
Parents that overindulge their children through the giving
of too many gifts can do harm. They don’t mean to, quite the opposite. They
want to make their kids happy – it’s their job.
However, studies show that too many gifts cause insecurity
and anxiety in kids. They can’t react strongly to too many gifts. So they pick
one as a coping mechanism – and then they worry that they will offend the
givers of the others.
In addition, giving your kids too much (material
overindulgence) may lead to problems later in life with responsibility,
delaying gratification, and in knowing what is normal.
Dr. David Bredehoft, the preeminent expert in the field
warns that overindulgence leads to, “not knowing the difference between needs
and wants; needing constant stimulation and entertainment from others; not
taking responsibility for their own actions; overeating, overspending, and
dysfunctional thinking (increased depressive thoughts). Paradoxically,
overindulged children can develop an overblown sense of self-importance which
can lead to problems at school, on the job, and/or in relationships.”
The problem
continues as the overindulged become parents, “the more children are
overindulged the more likely they are to become parents who: feel ineffective;
believe they are not in control of their own life or their child’s behavior;
think they are not responsible for their child’s actions, and that raising good
children is due to fate, luck, or chance.”
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ad shows the brain at work. They tell you that you have to
the eggs and that this creates “that homemade goodness.”
you think that change would be necessary today?
When manufacturers removed the powdered egg and oil from the
cake mix, women started to buy it. They had to add something to create the
cake. They took pride in serving it to their family or giving it away because
they felt they earned it. It didn’t take much, but some work needed to be
The moral - people value things they earn more than things
they are given. The same is true for gift giving and receiving. If you have
worked to make sure the gift you are giving is the product of your hard work,
thought, and planning, you feel better about that gift. Likewise, if you have
some sort of feeling that you deserve a gift and that it holds some meaning, then you will appreciate the gift more.
Too much given too easily lessens the specialness of the holiday season.
Contributed by Mark E. Lasbury, MS, MSEd, PhD
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