On Saturday morning, July 5, 2014, Steve Robles was out for
a long distance swim. It was much like his usual Saturday swims, except
something about this swim tasted different. Oh, yeah - it was him! A great white
shark took a bite out of Steve off Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles, California.
Spielberg was given a stinker when he signed on to
Jaws. The script wasn’t finished, Richard Dreyfus hated
character’s development, and the first mechanical shark
as soon as it was put in water. But because of the movie’s
he became powerful enough to make any movie he
Jaws is the reason we were given Schindler’s
List and
Close Encounters of the
Third Kind.
The movie
was released in 1975, and great white attacks have been on our collective mind
ever since. Robles’ wasn’t the first great white attack this year, and it won’t
be the last. Other recent news stories have discussed the sightings of great
whites off Cape Cod (July 3), and the third sighting of them off of the New
York, New Jersey shore (July 3).
Every time there is a sighting or an attack, the media goes
out of its way to tell us how rare the attacks are. Every news report includes
a disclaimer that attacks occur once in a blue moon. They usually make some
comparisons: you’re more likely to be killed by a cow than by a great white
shark; you’re more likely to be bitten by
Luis Suarez – you know, things like
But is it true? Are sightings and attacks by great white
sharks rare and staying rare? Or has the faster news cycle led to the need for
more sensational stories and therefore more coverage? It may be a bit of both.
More people swim in the oceans now than in the 1700’s or
1800’s. The reasons are many – more leisure time, more information about open
water (lack of sea monsters), and a big increase in world population. So maybe
the attacks reflect an increase in pruny people.
International Shark Attack File (ISAF) at the University
of Florida states that attacks have been increasing each decade since the early
1900’s, although there was a dip in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The ISAF says
because they had a lapse in their record keeping, but I think it was due to the
Jaws effect.
used to sail within sight of land because they feared
off the Earth and the sea monsters that lived in open
They weren’t going to swim out there! It wasn’t until
that someone swam the English Channel, and it didn’t
again for 31 years. Of course sea bathing, or wading,
popular, but most often the sea water was
to pools on land.
reason for more unprovoked attacks may be that there are more sharks. Recent studies
indicate that there are more great white sharks than previously counted off the
coast of California and New York.
On the west coast of North America, an older study severely
underestimated the number of great whites because of sampling biases, so
a 2014 study re-evaluated this study and generated a number of more than 2000 for just
those around California.
Another 2014 study on the east coast of North America
showed a dip in 1970’s but a steady increase in the number of great whites
since the 1980’s.
A third 2014 study in Australia linked bite risk to
increased shark numbers and suggested that this increase was due to an increase
in whale numbers. Add to this upshot in population
a study that used radiocarbon dating of vertebral columns. The authors showed that male great
white sharks can live up to 73 years, much longer than previously assumed. More
great whites living longer lives than we thought? Sounds like a recipe for more
The reason for this –
humans probably. In 1972, the
Marine Mammal Protection Act was passed.
This made the killing of any marine mammal (dolphins, seals, whales, etc.)
illegal. This was joined by the international moratorium on commercial whaling
passed in 1982. As a consequence, marine mammal numbers have been on a steady
rise. Yum, more food for sharks. More food means more surviving sharks; more
adult sharks means more baby sharks.
Helping this survival rate was a 1997 ban on the hunting of
great white sharks. I don’t know a better way to increase the number of sharks
than to stop killing them. So – there are more sharks, is it too weird to think
that there might be more attacks?
But there are problems in counting attacks. The perpetrators
eat the evidence in most cases. We may be significantly underestimating the number of
fatal attacks just because we don’t have bodies to count.
great white shark (1, Carcharodon
carcharias), the bull shark
Carcharhinus leucas), and the tiger
shark (3, Galeocerdo cuvier)
responsible for the majority of unprovoked attacks on humans
open water. The great white swims in temperate and tropical
around the world. The bull is in coastal water and rivers
the world, but the tiger shark lives in tropical and
waters. Tigers only come about halfway north in the
Could you tell which one was gnawing your leg off?
Another problem with the ISAF; they list
attacks by various species of shark. I can’t believe that a person can tell you
what kind of shark attacked them, and physical evidence such as a tooth is very
rare. Am I going to take the time to ID the species of shark that is gnawing my
leg off? Shark scientists often argue about what species they’re looking at –
you expect John Q. to know the difference between a nurse shark and a reef
Get hit by a car – sure, try to get the license plate number
and you might be able to get some satisfaction. But unless it’s a really
unusual looking shark, I don’t think you’re going to get a call saying the
private detective you hired has found him. Moby Dick, maybe, but a shark that
looks like every other shark – nope.
But there’s an exception. Were you chewed on in a coastal
river or river-fed lake? Then it was probably a bull shark.
Bull sharks are exceptions
amongst sharks. Most sharks are able to live in saltwater because they have a
way of stopping the loss of cellular water to the high salt environment they
live in. Most sharks accomplish this by storing a huge amount of chemical
called urea.
See this post for more information.
are very rare sharks of the Glyphis
genus that can
in brackish waters as well. They live in southeast Asia
Australia, but they are very mysterious and aren’t
often. This is a bull shark found in a golf course
in Australia. If bitten while in a river or lake, think
shark, not Glyphis.
Having cells with a lot of urea keeps the
water from moving out of their cells and into the saltwater. In this way,
sharks don’t dry up in saltwater. But bull sharks go one better, they have
kidneys that can ramp up urea and salt elimination if they swim into
freshwater, so they can survive in both low salt and high salt environments.
Good for them, bad for rubber tubers and swimmers in rivers near the oceans.
This is important because bull shark attacks are the most
likely to be fatal -if you can believe the statistics. So the coastal rivers
aren’t as safe as you thought, but at least you’ll know who’s gnawing your leg
Contributed by Mark E. Lasbury, MS, MSEd, PhD
Mark is writer and educator in the areas of science and
Burgess GH, Bruce BD, Cailliet GM, Goldman KJ, Grubbs RD, Lowe CG, MacNeil MA, Mollet HF, Weng KC, & O'Sullivan JB (2014). A Re-Evaluation of the Size of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Population off California, USA. PloS one, 9 (6) PMID: 24932483
Curtis TH, McCandless CT, Carlson JK, Skomal GB, Kohler NE, Natanson LJ, Burgess GH, Hoey JJ, & Pratt HL Jr (2014). Seasonal Distribution and Historic Trends in Abundance of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. PloS one, 9 (6) PMID: 24918579
Sprivulis P (2014). Western Australia coastal shark bites: A risk assessment. The Australasian medical journal, 7 (2), 137-42 PMID: 24611078
Hamady LL, Natanson LJ, Skomal GB, & Thorrold SR (2014). Vertebral bomb radiocarbon suggests extreme longevity in white sharks. PloS one, 9 (1) PMID: 24416189
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